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Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Cheap Sale Sale
  • Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Cheap Sale Sale

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Cheap Sale Sale

$32.00  $12.00
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Product Detail

Stay hungry. Stay foolish. It originated in 1974 as the farewell message on the back page of the Whole Earth Catalog, a counter-culturemagazine that got the attention of one transcendent icon: Steve Jobs.

Beginning in 1968 when communal living and self-reliance were becoming popular trends in America, the catalog published by Stewart Brand combinedarticles and product reviews to promote'ecology, self-sufficiency and do-it-yourself projects.' The concept catalog quickly took off.Legendary inventor and Apple cofounder Steve Jobs regarded the publication as his personal Bible, and after seeing its sign-off message, he adopted the four words as his mantra.

In 2005 he instantly popularizedthemotto when he shared it withStanford graduates during his now-famous commencement speech, and just like Jobs, HOMAGE wishesto pass it on: Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

In memory of Steve Jobs, a portion of this item'sproceedsbenefit the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

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