The Alpha Physical Culture Club basketball team, known as the Alpha Big Five, was formed in 1907 under the sponsorship of the Alpha Physical Culture Club, which was America’s first all-Black athletic club.
The club founders chose the name “Alpha” because they saw themselves as pioneers in the field of physical culture (as “fitness” was called then), which was seen as a possible solution to the high incidence of tuberculosis and pneumonia among Black residents in large, overcrowded industrial centers like New York City.
They advocated strict adherence to the principles of amateurism, and included anyone young or old who embraced them. “Physical culture knows no age limits,” said co-founder Conrad Norman.
The Alpha Physical Culture Club is a great example of how a small group of people can come together to create a new reality in the face of adversity and obstacles, despite having no mentors, no road map, and no guidelines other than their unyielding passion and commitment to a definite major purpose — to help Black America conquer its pressing health issues through exercise and sports.
A portion of net proceeds from the sales of our Black Fives assortment will benefit the The Black Fives Foundation, which works to inspire excellence by preserving, teaching, and honoring the pre-NBA history of African Americans in basketball.