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Rudy Flyer Hoodie Clearance Websites
  • Rudy Flyer Hoodie Clearance Websites

Rudy Flyer Hoodie Clearance Websites

$70.00  $23.00
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Product Detail

Rudy Flyer is the University of Dayton’s sky-bound mascot, and his origins are pure Dayton legend. In December of 1903, the Wright brothers sent their eponymous flyer into the air, and into the history books as the world’s first successful heavier-than-air powered aircraft. Rudy rocks the goggles and jumpsuits of aviation’s yesteryear in a tribute to Dayton’s favorite sons. Take your Dayton pride to new heights with this super-soft hoodie, perfect from the first fall chill long through the hibernation months. Forever Flyer Faithful.

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